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How To Fix PS4 Controller Flashing White Issue

PS4 Controller Flashing White

The PS4 comes with a DualShock 4 wireless controller that connects to the system wirelessly and allows you to enjoy your game. However, there may be troubles with the PS4 controller from time to time. For example, users have experienced PS4 Controller Flashing White issues, which impede players’ overall gaming experience, and the PS4 controller does not connect to PS4.

This PS4 white light might appear for various causes, including a misconfigured controller, a system problem, or a controller glitch. If you encountered this PS4 Controller Flashing White issue, you’ve come to the right place.


Fix: PS4 Controller Flashing White Light

Here I will discuss how you can fix the PS4 Controller Flashing White issue.

Restart The PS4

The primary thing you should do is restart your PS4. System glitches or temporary bugs most commonly cause this PS4 Controller Flashing White error. In such circumstances, you do not need to proceed with the troubleshooting because restarting the console would resolve the issue.

Restarting the PS4 will refresh the system and delete any faulty temporary data causing the PS4 Controller Blinking white light issue.

Try Connecting Your Controller With A Micro USB Cable

The PS4 controller is wireless; you may use it with your system wirelessly. If you have problems with the PS4 controller, you can attach it to the PS4 via a Micro USB cable and see if the problem is resolved.

To connect your PS4 controller with a MicroUSB cable, follow the simple steps given below-

Reset Your Controller

If the previous solution didn’t resolve the PS4 Controller Flashing White problem, you might try resetting your controller. It will refresh your PS4 controller, and you should not have the problem again. You may reset your PS4 controller by following these steps:

1. Before you reset the controller, make sure it is turned on, and the flashing white light on the controller is still visible. To reset the controller, insert a tiny pin or use the SIM ejector tool. You must use a tiny pin to push the reset button for 3 seconds. Besides, the reset button is located on the back of your controller at the top right screw, next to the L2 button.

2. After resetting the PS4 controller, turn off your console.

3. Next, turn your console on, & connect the controller to the PS4 again.

4. It should solve the issue, and you should not see the PS4 controller flashing white now. However, you can move to the next troubleshooting method if you still encounter the error.

Use A Different Controller

The next thing you may do is to use a different controller. If another controller works perfectly on your PS4, there is most likely a problem with your PS4. However, if the other controller you try to use with your PS4 is also not working, you will need to boot your PS4 into safe mode before you can fix it.

Booting Your PS4 In Safe Mode

If none of the preceding techniques worked, you could try booting your PS4 in safe mode. Then, you’ll simply be capable of troubleshooting and repairing the flashing white PS4 controller problem in safe mode. Before you begin, back up all the data on your PS4.

To do so, follow the steps given below-

1. Turn off your PS4.

2. Hold the power button until you hear two beeps when your PS4 is switched off. Leave the power button pressed until you hear two beeps.

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3. The first beep will be heard when you push the power button, and the second beep will be heard after 7 seconds of holding the power button.

4. Connect the PS4 controller to the computer via the USB cable, and then click the PlayStation button on the controller. You will successfully boot into Safe Mode.

5. You will now see a rebuild database option in safe mode. If you choose this option, the console will start scanning the drive.

6. It will then generate a new database with the content. Wait till the process is finished. Also, keep in mind that this operation may destroy all of your PS4’s data and setup.

7. After the process is completed, the problem of the PS4 Controller Flashing White will be solved.

Final Words – PS4 Controller Blinking White Fixed

Dear Visitors, these are some of the troubleshooting steps you can follow to fix PS4 Controller Flashing White light issue.

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